Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It Was A Bad Call Ripley, It Was A Bad Call...

It's really hard to watch other people make mistakes. Especially if you don't feel like you have the right or the place to speak up and say something to them before they make it (or even after).

There's this narrow place in any relationship where on one side you feel like if you *don't* say something to them about their impending mistake, you are failing them as a friend. On the other side, you are intruding and overstepping your bounds as a friend if you *do* say something.

So, for my own sake, since I'm only human and I know I make mistakes. I fully endorse and empower anyone who might call me friend to throw out any advice at me. I'll never be offended, I promise. I might say 'you don't have all the information' or 'thanks, I'll weigh that appropriately'. But I won't ever get mad at your two cents.

Thanks. That's all.


Anonymous said...

Currently chewing on this.... Always enjoy the blog Connor :)

Anonymous said...

I am having this very dilemma right now! A friend is about to make what I think could be a devastating mistake. I have told her consider the pros and cons. She said she did and she is still comfortable with her choice. That's all I can do. If I tell her what I *really* think, it will probably end our relationship. She is going to do what she is going to do. All I can do is encourage her to think it through, and then stand back and wait to pick up the pieces. Thanks for reading!

Connorhalo said...

Best of luck to both my anonymous commenters!